Us vs. Them – Another Savage Hamas Display (Published in The Times of Israel)

Just when I thought Hamas had exhausted its seemingly never-ending supply of savagery and depravity, it got even uglier. Unlike procedures surrounding prisoner swaps in Israel, the scenes from Gaza are bone-chilling. To be clear: Israel continues to release the Continue reading Us vs. Them – Another Savage Hamas Display (Published in The Times of Israel)

How Not to Become the Face of the Campus Fools (Published in The Times of Israel)

A close friend told me it’s time to share my voice in support of fighting the virulent wave of antisemitism sweeping our college campuses. I don’t disagree with her, but I must admit that I’ve been staring at a blank Continue reading How Not to Become the Face of the Campus Fools (Published in The Times of Israel)

Is Israel An Apartheid State (Published in The Times of Israel)

The word “apartheid” has been used, misused and abused for decades. It is a ubiquitous favorite of the current woke mob composed of misguided so-called humanitarians popping up on American college campuses and in cities around the globe. Words matter. Continue reading Is Israel An Apartheid State (Published in The Times of Israel)

Five Myths Regarding the War in Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Israel’s Response Should be Proportionate. The word “proportionate” refers to a situation where things are in proportion or in balance with one another. But what does that word mean during war? Especially after the most appalling atrocities Jews have seen Continue reading Five Myths Regarding the War in Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Facebook At War (Published by The Times of Israel)

I’ve had my share of ups and downs with Facebook, including periods of inactivity and deactivation.  I even ranted publicly a few months ago about the Phony Facebook Phenomenon. While I still believe in general, that technology is more alienating Continue reading Facebook At War (Published by The Times of Israel)