Us vs. Them – Another Savage Hamas Display (Published in The Times of Israel)

Just when I thought Hamas had exhausted its seemingly never-ending supply of savagery and depravity, it got even uglier. Unlike procedures surrounding prisoner swaps in Israel, the scenes from Gaza are bone-chilling. To be clear: Israel continues to release the Continue reading Us vs. Them – Another Savage Hamas Display (Published in The Times of Israel)

Why I’m Bidding farewell to Ben & Jerry’s and their *Half Baked Morals

On Monday, Ben & Jerry’s decision to boycott what they describe as “the occupied Palestinian territory” made headlines. Apparently, the Board intended to boycott all of Israel, but Unilever, their parent company, blocked their *half-baked idea (Sorry. I couldn’t *resist). Continue reading Why I’m Bidding farewell to Ben & Jerry’s and their *Half Baked Morals

Hypocrisy Hurts Us Worse Than Rockets (Published in The Times of Israel)

Following the violent riots on the Gaza border and the embassy move, I felt confronted by a barrage of posts on social media condemning Israel. One friend went as far as saying he had never felt more at odds with Continue reading Hypocrisy Hurts Us Worse Than Rockets (Published in The Times of Israel)

Moving the Embassy Might Not Be A Big Deal After All (Published in The Algemeiner)

After the historic and long overdue announcement declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a friend asked me: “Why the controversy?” “Isn’t Jerusalem already the capital of Israel?” he asked. Well, yes. Yes, it is. I had no idea how I would Continue reading Moving the Embassy Might Not Be A Big Deal After All (Published in The Algemeiner)

5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)

The X-Ray tech assigned to the two-minute task of filming my elbow, asked me about the origin of my name, sparking a barrage of questions regarding the Middle East. No, I didn’t ride a camel to a tented schoolhouse in Continue reading 5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)