How Not to Become the Face of the Campus Fools (Published in The Times of Israel)

A close friend told me it’s time to share my voice in support of fighting the virulent wave of antisemitism sweeping our college campuses. I don’t disagree with her, but I must admit that I’ve been staring at a blank Continue reading How Not to Become the Face of the Campus Fools (Published in The Times of Israel)

How Excuses and Silence Help Terrorists (Published in The Times of Israel)

Unless you are living under a rock, which could be a relief these days, you know that innocent Israelis were brutally attacked by the terror organization, Hamas early this past Saturday morning. Like ISIS, they did what barbaric terrorists do: Continue reading How Excuses and Silence Help Terrorists (Published in The Times of Israel)

Five Myths Regarding the War in Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Israel’s Response Should be Proportionate. The word “proportionate” refers to a situation where things are in proportion or in balance with one another. But what does that word mean during war? Especially after the most appalling atrocities Jews have seen Continue reading Five Myths Regarding the War in Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

I Am the Granddaughter of Survivors (Featured in The Jewish Chronicle)

Every year on Yom HaShoah I am haunted by my family’s history, reading countless testimonials about the Holocaust, yet I am silent about my own. I always believed that it was not my story to tell.  But it is my Continue reading I Am the Granddaughter of Survivors (Featured in The Jewish Chronicle)