No Child Should Have to Say a Prayer for a Murdered Friend (Published in The Times of Israel)

Can we be realistic for a moment? Almost three weeks after the Parkland massacre, the flurry of conversation about gun control seems to be dying down. Forgive the unintended and tasteless pun; I’m feeling bitter and I’m here to talk Continue reading No Child Should Have to Say a Prayer for a Murdered Friend (Published in The Times of Israel)

Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

President Andrzej Duda of Poland had 21 days to consider whether to sign a law criminalizing speech that accuses Poland of complicity in the Holocaust. Evidently, he could barely wait to sign it. The law is not only a despicable Continue reading Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

It was only 9 a.m. and the wall of 110-degree heat that engulfed me as we stepped out of the air-conditioned rented car made me question whether this day trip to Cordoba was worth it. We were staying 90 kilometers Continue reading A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

“How can you send your son, and then your daughter in a few months into a hotbed of terror and deadly controversy?” I was stunned. I couldn’t recall asking her opinion when we bumped into each other in the baked Continue reading To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)

Sometimes I wish I could put in earplugs while standing in line at the grocery store. Perhaps if the lines were shorter, I’d zip through unscathed. The other day I just couldn’t help overhearing the guy in front of me Continue reading Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)