Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

President Andrzej Duda of Poland had 21 days to consider whether to sign a law criminalizing speech that accuses Poland of complicity in the Holocaust. Evidently, he could barely wait to sign it. The law is not only a despicable Continue reading Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

It was only 9 a.m. and the wall of 110-degree heat that engulfed me as we stepped out of the air-conditioned rented car made me question whether this day trip to Cordoba was worth it. We were staying 90 kilometers Continue reading A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

“How can you send your son, and then your daughter in a few months into a hotbed of terror and deadly controversy?” I was stunned. I couldn’t recall asking her opinion when we bumped into each other in the baked Continue reading To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)

Sometimes I wish I could put in earplugs while standing in line at the grocery store. Perhaps if the lines were shorter, I’d zip through unscathed. The other day I just couldn’t help overhearing the guy in front of me Continue reading Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)

5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)

The X-Ray tech assigned to the two-minute task of filming my elbow, asked me about the origin of my name, sparking a barrage of questions regarding the Middle East. No, I didn’t ride a camel to a tented schoolhouse in Continue reading 5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)