The Day I Became A Pittsburgher (Published in the Times of Israel)

We’ve been living in Pittsburgh for just over seven years, but I’m still quick to tell people I’m a transplant, in case they can’t tell by my New York mannerisms and accent. I often wonder if I truly feel like Continue reading The Day I Became A Pittsburgher (Published in the Times of Israel)

University of Michigan Makes Matters Worse in Letter to Campus Community

By now most of us are well versed in the facts: University of Michigan’s Professor Cheney-Lippold promised a student a letter of recommendation to study abroad in Israel, and reneged a month later, citing UM’s policy to boycott Israel. He Continue reading University of Michigan Makes Matters Worse in Letter to Campus Community

“Operation Finale” Clarifies My Grandmother’s Eichmann Trial Obsession (Published in the Times of Israel)

Every year on Yom Ha’Shoa, my grandmother, Miriam, who was not a Holocaust survivor, curled up in her overstuffed tan leather chair in front of her black and white TV to watch the rebroadcasting of the Eichmann trial. It was Continue reading “Operation Finale” Clarifies My Grandmother’s Eichmann Trial Obsession (Published in the Times of Israel)

How Anti-Semitism Flourishes Under the African National Congress (Published in The Times of Israel)

It should come as no surprise even to those unfamiliar with South African history, that Jews were inextricably committed to freeing the country from the clutches of white rule under the appalling apartheid regime. Their commitment was consistent with both Continue reading How Anti-Semitism Flourishes Under the African National Congress (Published in The Times of Israel)

Hypocrisy Hurts Us Worse Than Rockets (Published in The Times of Israel)

Following the violent riots on the Gaza border and the embassy move, I felt confronted by a barrage of posts on social media condemning Israel. One friend went as far as saying he had never felt more at odds with Continue reading Hypocrisy Hurts Us Worse Than Rockets (Published in The Times of Israel)