Which Lives Matter Most? (Published in The Times of Israel)

In the midst of all the animosity, violence, and global pandemic that plagues us, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and angst for our future. I do the one thing that every Continue reading Which Lives Matter Most? (Published in The Times of Israel)

Has Covid-19 Affected Our Common Sense? (Published in The Times of Israel)

When President Trump was asked why he refused to self-test for the Coronavirus, he said he didn’t “feel” sick. Although he has since succumbed to the test, his response underscores the fear that many Americans have: We don’t know whom Continue reading Has Covid-19 Affected Our Common Sense? (Published in The Times of Israel)

Happy First Father’s Day in Heaven, Abba (Published in The Times of Israel)

Oded Langer 8/23/43-6/7/19 Hearing a Kaddish recitation has always made me uncomfortable. Invariably my throat swelled, my eyes welled up and I’d look down, praying that it would end quickly. I consciously dreaded saying it for my Abba one day. Continue reading Happy First Father’s Day in Heaven, Abba (Published in The Times of Israel)

Historically Detrimental Reporting Lauds Notre Dame for “Surviving the Nazis” (Published in the Times of Israel)

Paris holds a special place in my heart. A repeat offender, I’ve chosen to travel to Paris again and again, at the cost of experiencing places I’ve never been. The City of Lights has a magical pull on me. I Continue reading Historically Detrimental Reporting Lauds Notre Dame for “Surviving the Nazis” (Published in the Times of Israel)

Penn State ZBT’s Menorah is Desecrated and We Need A Miracle (Published in the Times of Israel)

Early on November 30th, the large Menorah on Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity’s front lawn was torn down by vandals, carried away and then returned significantly damaged. This act of hatred and bigotry is being investigated by State College Police and Continue reading Penn State ZBT’s Menorah is Desecrated and We Need A Miracle (Published in the Times of Israel)