3 Ways That Limiting My Phone Use Reconnected Me with My Family (Published in The Huffington Post)

Now that my son is a sophomore in college, he’s had some mental and physical distance from us, giving him insightful and at times critical perspective on our household. It’s rewarding when he appreciates home cooked meals, fresh smelling towels Continue reading 3 Ways That Limiting My Phone Use Reconnected Me with My Family (Published in The Huffington Post)

Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)

Sometimes I wish I could put in earplugs while standing in line at the grocery store. Perhaps if the lines were shorter, I’d zip through unscathed. The other day I just couldn’t help overhearing the guy in front of me Continue reading Thanks, But Please Don’t Tell Me How to Celebrate Thanksgiving (Published in The Times of Israel)

How My Daughter & I Accidentally Became the ‘Gilmore Girls’ (Published in Kveller)

The deafening crack of thunder shook the gymnastics floor and rattled me on the bleachers. I prayed that the torrential mid-summer downpour would slow down before we made a run for the car after my daughter’s tumbling lesson. I could Continue reading How My Daughter & I Accidentally Became the ‘Gilmore Girls’ (Published in Kveller)

4 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Daughter’s Concussion (Published in The Mighty)

This past summer, my teenager was accidentally elbowed in the nose, causing a fracture as well as a concussion. Although she complained for weeks of headaches, the doctors repeatedly assured her that headaches were a common symptom of nasal fractures. Continue reading 4 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Daughter’s Concussion (Published in The Mighty)

How to Not Lose Your Sh*t When Dropping Your Kid Off at College (Published in Kveller)

Last year after dropping my firstborn off at college, I wrote an article describing what now seems like a total freak-show with me starring in the central role. I sobbed for three hours on the ride home, became extremely nauseated due Continue reading How to Not Lose Your Sh*t When Dropping Your Kid Off at College (Published in Kveller)