What I Learned From Volunteering At My Temple (Published in Kveller)

When my kids were little they attended Jewish preschools where volunteering was mandatory. How can volunteering be mandatory? Simple. We had designated dates to be “mystery reader” and “Shabbat parent,” which involved saying a prayer, lighting candles, and supplying juice Continue reading What I Learned From Volunteering At My Temple (Published in Kveller)

3 Ways To Avoid Toxic Friendships (Published In The Huffington Post)

While hibernating this past frigid winter, I made peace with the realization that middle school politics lay the foundation for navigating adult friendships. We tell our teens to surround themselves with true friends who promote positivity and healthy self-esteem. Shouldn’t Continue reading 3 Ways To Avoid Toxic Friendships (Published In The Huffington Post)

My Vagina Monologue: What I Learned From My Huffington Post Debut

My exercise class was about to begin when I got the email from the HuffPost blog team letting me know that my article was published (5 Things People Ask When They Find Out I’m Married To A Gynecologist). I spent Continue reading My Vagina Monologue: What I Learned From My Huffington Post Debut

Does It Sound Like I’m Boycotting Christmas…?! (Published by The Times of Israel)

Years ago a new neighbor asked me where we would be purchasing our tree. “We’re Jewish.” I said, assuming that no further explanation was necessary. “So?” She pressed. “So we don’t celebrate Christmas,” I said. “Why?” She insisted. Why? Because Continue reading Does It Sound Like I’m Boycotting Christmas…?! (Published by The Times of Israel)