The Time My Nephew Washed His Hair With Nair (Published in Parent Co.)

While waiting for my niece outside a movie theater, my sister entertained herself and her 11-year-old son by walking up and down the aisles of the only store still open in that strip mall late on a Sunday evening. They Continue reading The Time My Nephew Washed His Hair With Nair (Published in Parent Co.)

A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

It was only 9 a.m. and the wall of 110-degree heat that engulfed me as we stepped out of the air-conditioned rented car made me question whether this day trip to Cordoba was worth it. We were staying 90 kilometers Continue reading A Walking Tour of Cordoba’s Ancient Jewish Quarter (Published in The Times of Israel)

To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

“How can you send your son, and then your daughter in a few months into a hotbed of terror and deadly controversy?” I was stunned. I couldn’t recall asking her opinion when we bumped into each other in the baked Continue reading To the Mother Who Asked Me How I Can I Send My Child to Israel (Published in The Times of Israel)

Why We Should Stop Treating Public Places As Our Private Phone Booth (Published in the Huffington Post)

My car dealership has a business lounge, which makes waiting for inspections and minor services tolerable. I hate to admit it, but I actually relied on my last appointment as a means to get some work done. I treated myself Continue reading Why We Should Stop Treating Public Places As Our Private Phone Booth (Published in the Huffington Post)

A Restaurant Banned Kids Under 5 – And I’m Fine With It (Published in Kveller)

A North Carolina restaurant made news recently for banning kids under the age of 5. According to the news report, some parents are outraged calling it discrimination, while others support the owner’s decision. The restaurant’s website clearly indicates that no Continue reading A Restaurant Banned Kids Under 5 – And I’m Fine With It (Published in Kveller)