No Child Should Have to Say a Prayer for a Murdered Friend (Published in The Times of Israel)

Can we be realistic for a moment? Almost three weeks after the Parkland massacre, the flurry of conversation about gun control seems to be dying down. Forgive the unintended and tasteless pun; I’m feeling bitter and I’m here to talk Continue reading No Child Should Have to Say a Prayer for a Murdered Friend (Published in The Times of Israel)

Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

President Andrzej Duda of Poland had 21 days to consider whether to sign a law criminalizing speech that accuses Poland of complicity in the Holocaust. Evidently, he could barely wait to sign it. The law is not only a despicable Continue reading Poland’s President Duda Could Hardly Wait To Whitewash History (Published in The Times of Israel)

5 Ways To Help A Struggling Friend (Published in The Mighty)

With the year coming to an end, it seems this has been a particularly rough one for many. So many friends and family have suffered a loss, received devastating health news or have endured heartache. Perhaps it’s the unprecedented political Continue reading 5 Ways To Help A Struggling Friend (Published in The Mighty)

Why I Continue Fussing Over An Age-Old Chicken Soup Recipe (Published in Parent Co)

Each year, as I put mums, pumpkin-flavored everything, and allergies behind me, my chicken soup cravings kick in. I cannot imagine contending with our winter colds, flu-scares, and frigid temperatures without this tried-and-true concoction. While the soup is time-consuming to Continue reading Why I Continue Fussing Over An Age-Old Chicken Soup Recipe (Published in Parent Co)

Moving the Embassy Might Not Be A Big Deal After All (Published in The Algemeiner)

After the historic and long overdue announcement declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a friend asked me: “Why the controversy?” “Isn’t Jerusalem already the capital of Israel?” he asked. Well, yes. Yes, it is. I had no idea how I would Continue reading Moving the Embassy Might Not Be A Big Deal After All (Published in The Algemeiner)