Santa Isn’t Real, But Covid Is (Published in The Times of Israel)

Now that we are days away from the inevitable post-Christmas Covid surge, I am reminded of the question my kids asked me so many years ago: “Mom, is Santa real?” I’d been dreading this question for years, but not in Continue reading Santa Isn’t Real, But Covid Is (Published in The Times of Israel)

Should College Students Be Shamed Into Wearing Masks? (Published in Scary Mommy)

Instead of spring fever, fests and flings, March unceremoniously treated college students to a swift one-way ticket back home. My freshman arrived at our local airport COVID-free, but tearful and disappointed beyond consolation. This global pandemic affected everyone and everything Continue reading Should College Students Be Shamed Into Wearing Masks? (Published in Scary Mommy)

Can We Just Let RBG Rest In Peace? (Published in The Times of Israel)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may her memory forever be for a blessing and may we never forget what she did for us women, has barely been gone 24 hours. News outlets are abuzz with speculation regarding her replacement. The word “replacement” Continue reading Can We Just Let RBG Rest In Peace? (Published in The Times of Israel)

Which Lives Matter Most? (Published in The Times of Israel)

In the midst of all the animosity, violence, and global pandemic that plagues us, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and angst for our future. I do the one thing that every Continue reading Which Lives Matter Most? (Published in The Times of Israel)

Has Covid-19 Affected Our Common Sense? (Published in The Times of Israel)

When President Trump was asked why he refused to self-test for the Coronavirus, he said he didn’t “feel” sick. Although he has since succumbed to the test, his response underscores the fear that many Americans have: We don’t know whom Continue reading Has Covid-19 Affected Our Common Sense? (Published in The Times of Israel)