3 Tips For Traveling With Teens (Published In The Huffington Post)

My husband and I have always loved traveling together. Who knew that backpacking through Europe on a dime is an excellent way to test pre-marital compatibility! Letting go of inhibitions and germaphobia were key when we shared a couchette (sleeping Continue reading 3 Tips For Traveling With Teens (Published In The Huffington Post)

Nothing Can Prepare You For Dropping Your Firstborn Off At College (Published In Kveller)

I’m not gonna lie. Dropping my son off at college sucked. Experienced friends warned me that they cried all the way home and I empathized, but doubted that would happen to me. I expected to tear up a little hugging Continue reading Nothing Can Prepare You For Dropping Your Firstborn Off At College (Published In Kveller)

Trying To Stay Calm While Sending My Kid Off To College For the First Time (Published in The Huffington Post)

I SO didn’t want to be THAT mom. You know the type, whose life revolves around her children to such an extent that she decompensates the summer before her firstborn goes to college. Nope. Not me. I’m productive and busy. Continue reading Trying To Stay Calm While Sending My Kid Off To College For the First Time (Published in The Huffington Post)

My Son Asked How I knew Who To Marry And This Is What I Said (Published in Kveller)

I was totally blindsided (as usual) when my then 16-year-old son dropped what is arguably the most important question since, “Where do babies come from?” over dinner one night: “Mom, how did you know who to marry? I mean, how did you Continue reading My Son Asked How I knew Who To Marry And This Is What I Said (Published in Kveller)

In Memory of the July 1942 Roundup of Paris’s Jews (Published in The Times of Israel and Huffington Post)

Tatiana De Rosnay’s Sarah’s Key spent two years on the New York Times Bestseller List, and even longer than that on my nightstand before I finally read it. I regret not reading it sooner, as it would’ve drastically transformed my family’s Continue reading In Memory of the July 1942 Roundup of Paris’s Jews (Published in The Times of Israel and Huffington Post)