The College Advice My Teen Actually Appreciated (Published In The Huffington Post)

My son survived his first semester in college. Actually, he more than survived – he thrived, matured, mellowed and had the time of his life. He even studied some. The night before we took him to school I was overwrought Continue reading The College Advice My Teen Actually Appreciated (Published In The Huffington Post)

Why I Prefer Teenagers Over Toddlers (Seriously) (Published In Kveller)

“What a cute pumpkin hat,” I said to the woman holding the toddler behind me on line at the grocery store. “Thanks! My friend knit it for her,” she beamed. “Enjoy it while you can still dress her without a Continue reading Why I Prefer Teenagers Over Toddlers (Seriously) (Published In Kveller)

5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)

The X-Ray tech assigned to the two-minute task of filming my elbow, asked me about the origin of my name, sparking a barrage of questions regarding the Middle East. No, I didn’t ride a camel to a tented schoolhouse in Continue reading 5 Pervasive Myths Perpetuated Against Israel (Published In The Times of Israel)

Does Having Good Manners Make Me A B*tch? (Published in The Huffington Post)

The day was young and I’d already been called a bitch twice. Why is it that when others act inappropriately, I react and then I look like the bitch? Where’s the justice in that? Perhaps not reacting is the answer, Continue reading Does Having Good Manners Make Me A B*tch? (Published in The Huffington Post)

5 Ways We Absurdly Manipulate the Facebook Like Button (Published In The Huffington Post)

 After a recent conversation with a friend, I began to wonder if the power of the Facebook like is a figment of my imagination. Can your so-called Facebook friends send you subliminal messages by liking or not liking your status Continue reading 5 Ways We Absurdly Manipulate the Facebook Like Button (Published In The Huffington Post)