How to be the Best Grandma (and Drive Your Adult Kids Crazy) (Published in Parent Co.)

My mom is a grandma on steroids, blinded by adoration, paranoia, and utter subjectivity when it comes to the objects of her perfection – oops, I meant, affection. She is wild about her grandchildren. So what exactly is the problem? Continue reading How to be the Best Grandma (and Drive Your Adult Kids Crazy) (Published in Parent Co.)

Why My Landscaper Fired Me (Published in The Huffington Post)

Imagine my surprise when my landscaper fired me for declining to purchase the exorbitant amount of mulch he recommended. When we moved into our home we were blessed with an abundance of brand new mulch courtesy of the meticulous previous Continue reading Why My Landscaper Fired Me (Published in The Huffington Post)

The Time I Waxed My Bikini Line for the First Time with My Best Friends (Published in Kveller)

My daughter and her BFFs were having breakfast at my kitchen counter after a sleepover. They were watching me flit about the kitchen, chopping and bagging ahead of my busy day so that we would have an easy and healthy Continue reading The Time I Waxed My Bikini Line for the First Time with My Best Friends (Published in Kveller)

When Your Kid’s Biggest Bully Is the Teacher (Published In Kveller)

My daughter expected that she would be hazed by upperclassmen in high school. She heard all the horror stories about freshman being shoved into lockers and sent on wild goose chases through the hallways, but these tales never materialized. To Continue reading When Your Kid’s Biggest Bully Is the Teacher (Published In Kveller)

How I Got Into Shape After Quitting the Gym (Published in The Huffington Post)

I’ve been a group fitness junkie for as long as I can remember. I seemed to need the competitiveness inherent in group exercise even in high school in order to keep me accountable and working hard. Group bootcamps, kickboxing and Continue reading How I Got Into Shape After Quitting the Gym (Published in The Huffington Post)