College Kids Can Get Anything They Want at the Click of a Button. But is That a Good Thing? (Published in Grown and Flown)

The ride up the New York State Thruway took almost five hours rather than the anticipated three, on account of my frequent bathroom breaks at every rest stop between my home in Westchester and my dorm room on the fourth Continue reading College Kids Can Get Anything They Want at the Click of a Button. But is That a Good Thing? (Published in Grown and Flown)

The Tooth Fairy’s Parting Gift for a Teen and Her Mom (Published in Her View From Home)

My daughter used to be enamored with the heart-shaped notes the Tooth Fairy left under her pillow. She’d run into my room in the morning squealing with joy, note in hand, repeating the words of encouragement and praise the Tooth Continue reading The Tooth Fairy’s Parting Gift for a Teen and Her Mom (Published in Her View From Home)