The Day I Became A Pittsburgher (Published in the Times of Israel)

We’ve been living in Pittsburgh for just over seven years, but I’m still quick to tell people I’m a transplant, in case they can’t tell by my New York mannerisms and accent. I often wonder if I truly feel like Continue reading The Day I Became A Pittsburgher (Published in the Times of Israel)

University of Michigan Makes Matters Worse in Letter to Campus Community

By now most of us are well versed in the facts: University of Michigan’s Professor Cheney-Lippold promised a student a letter of recommendation to study abroad in Israel, and reneged a month later, citing UM’s policy to boycott Israel. He Continue reading University of Michigan Makes Matters Worse in Letter to Campus Community

What I Learned About Consent at a Rod Stewart Concert (Published in the Good Men Project)

This last week or so has been more triggering for me than the awful first few weeks of the #MeToo campaign when the magnitude of harassment and abuse hit home. A debate on a Facebook parenting site following a post Continue reading What I Learned About Consent at a Rod Stewart Concert (Published in the Good Men Project)