A Review of the Movie, “On My Way Out: The Secret Life of Nani and Popi” (Published in the Journal of Educational Gerontology)

While dating and contemplating the formula for finding the right life partner, documentarian Brandon Gross relied on two life-long experts, turning the camera on his beloved grandparents. After all, what better source for hands-on advice on the subject of everlasting Continue reading A Review of the Movie, “On My Way Out: The Secret Life of Nani and Popi” (Published in the Journal of Educational Gerontology)

A Husband’s View On Post Partum Depression (Published in The Good Men Project)

Alexis had never suffered from mental illness, and her middle name, Joy, aptly represented her vivacious and carefree personality. But right after the birth of her daughter, Adriana, Alexis’s demeanor changed drastically. Her primary care provider, OB-GYN, pediatrician and even Continue reading A Husband’s View On Post Partum Depression (Published in The Good Men Project)

“Operation Finale” Clarifies My Grandmother’s Eichmann Trial Obsession (Published in the Times of Israel)

Every year on Yom Ha’Shoa, my grandmother, Miriam, who was not a Holocaust survivor, curled up in her overstuffed tan leather chair in front of her black and white TV to watch the rebroadcasting of the Eichmann trial. It was Continue reading “Operation Finale” Clarifies My Grandmother’s Eichmann Trial Obsession (Published in the Times of Israel)